Friday, April 22, 2016

Reprinted from a Facebook post by Robobc on 4/22.

"Glad to see Trump's handlers spilling the secrets. But we need Trump as the Republican nominee and for those of you who think Trump is stupid, He's not. He's a smart man with a deep understanding of what stupid people want to hear. 

I love how those trolling here on the right refuse to see the signs all around them how toxic Trump is for the Republican party. His technique is to tell his supporters what to be afraid of and then who to blame for their fears. It works. 

So please, righties, if you're not too scared to leave your double-wides because of home grown terrorists, illegal immigrants, equal pay, ISIS, the liberal media, background checks, voter fraud, climate science, Assad, Acorn, the War on Christmas, Mexicans, activist judges, minimum wage increases, gay marriage, the Ebola virus, the ground zero mosque, the removal of the Confederate flags, Syrian refugees, the IRS, the new Black Panther Party, Planned Parenthood, Putin, Muslims, green energy, trade deals, death panels, anchor babies, the EPA, Syrian refugees, the Keystone Pipeline suspension, Obamacare and the Chinese, nominate Trump for the rest of us.

Then ride him all the way to 180 electoral votes in November. That'll result in a civil war inside the Republican tent between the far right fringe and the establishment conservatives after the GOP turns into a regional party of the old confederate south, the evangelical midwest, Texas and the others like the armed idiots who held the bird sanctuary hostage out in Oregon for no purpose and no result. 

Afterward you can return home and spend the next four years forwarding a whole new generation of right wing, conspiracy theory, chain emails to your outbound list when you're not too busy watching NASCAR, the WWE and Duck Dynasty reruns. We'll meet you back here again in 2020 to look over the next group of 17 candidates to scurry out of the clown car, when the lady President runs for reelection."

There.  I feel better now.